Please join us this Saturday, October 9, 2021 at Agency Oakland 3:30 PM- 5:30 PM PST as we come together to learn, reflect, share tools and engage in grassroots collective healing to support ourselves, our families and those closest to us.
This Song Remedy & BE-IMAGINATIVE event will focus on our inner child experiences, exploring how we've first learned to experience grief. This event will center powerful music, affirmations, sound bathing meditations, community dialogue and more.
Elder Malidoma says, “Death is not a separation but a different form of communion, a higher form of connectedness with the community, providing an opportunity for even greater service.” We’ve experienced many transitions of lives of people of color to issues disproportionately impacting us. On the other side of the coin, it means we have an abundance of ancestors who are waiting for us to tap into their collective spiritual energy that will give us immense support in our collective healing processes. This means that we must grieve together as a unit. BE-IMAGINATIVE and The Song Remedy are here to facilitate the process of learning and teaching one another how to grieve again and how to do it in ceremony, in community, and how to allow that grief to alchemize our lives, transforming our deepest pain into our greatest power and passion -- all in honor of the spirit of our ancestral lineages.
About the Song Remedy: We @thesongremedy believe that there is power in community healing so we hope that you invite a loved one as a practice partner to experience this space with you. The Song Remedy is both a healing circle and a place in which we use our HE(ART) to transform our pain into medicine. In the spirit of cycle breaking, we are co-creating a space for us to resist systems of oppression that consistently attack our mind, body, and spirit by cultivating a practice of care. We also seek to break cycles of toxicity that have impacted our family culture(s) through intergenerational harm and ancestral trauma that no longer serves us. We share knowledge. We co-create. We practice ritual. We hold space. We empower ourselves and each other. We co-exist with purpose. Our space curators are Brittany Tanner, Ayesha Walker, Farima Pour-Khorshid, and Ree Botts. This event is free and open to all but we encourage donations to sustain our work. For inquiries, please dm @thesongremedy or Please register at EventBrite, no one will be turned away due to funds.
About BE-IMAGINATIVE: @beimaginativecollective is a collective of artists, healers, and community leaders who are dedicated to healing our black and brown communities through multidimensional storytelling. Based in Oakland, California, BE-IMAGINATIVE builds community through gatherings and ceremonies rooted in African ancestral tradition and the memorialization of ancestors through visual and performance art, grieving rituals and healing to #DISRUPTHOPELESSNESS.
This event is sponsored by the Akonadi Foundation.